Platinum Samples - Engineered Drums for BFD

User Registration

If you already have an account, please log in using the form on the Home Page.

If you have already authorized your expansion pack then you are automatically registered and you may log in with the same email and password you used to authorize your expansion pack.

Fill in your details below to create a User Account (Please note that only the fields with a star are mandatory).

After creating an account you can log in from the Home Page. Once logged in you can choose to download updates, register products and change your details.

Please note, the information you give us will be kept confidential and will not be disclosed to any third-parties without your consent.

First Name: *
Last Name: *
Company Name:
E-Mail: *
E-Mail (confirm): *
Password: * (The password must be at least 7 characters long)
Password (confirm): *
Address Line1: *
Address Line2:
City: *
State: * (Please select Non-US if applicable - Even if the default says Non-US please select it manually)
Zip: *
Country: *

I would like to receive information about new products.

Copyright 2006 Platinum Samples. All rights reserved.